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Close Reading Even in Kindergarten

I will be honest, when I was first introduced to close read lessons, I was not a fan.  I did not understand why I needed to read the same book three times in one week.  What could the students really get out of that?  And besides, I have way too many good books to read to waste time reading the same one more than once.

I have been incorporating these lessons since October and have found the students really enjoy the story when it is read to them more than once.  In addition, they develop a better understanding of the story and comprehension increases.  I also think the students have a better connection with the characters in the story.  However, the biggest benefit from close read lessons I have seen is the increase in vocabulary.

Each Monday, I read a story that connects to the theme for the week.  This past week was Valentine's Day and next week will be President's Day.  While reading the story for the first time, I like to point out the cover and who the characters are in the story.  As I read the story, I animate the book but I don't stop to ask any questions.  I want the students to enjoy the story.  At the end of the first reading I will ask a simple comprehension question.

On Wednesday, I have the students recap the story and we delve deeper into the vocabulary during the reading.  I also continue to ask more comprehension questions.  For the final reading on Friday, we go over the vocabulary and we also discuss the author and illustrator.  

I have now added a worksheet to help with key ideas and details.  I included some pictures of our close reading of Tacky the Penguin.  

I would suggest giving close read lessons a try and I think you will find you and your students will enjoy them!

If you are interested in any close read lesson plans, follow my store for many lessons plans.   KinderMyWay

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